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Narrative Alchemy: The Grand Opening

Narrative Alchemy: The Grand Opening

Along with the rebrand of this website from Alchemical Gaming to Narrative Alchemy, I am officially opening my doors today as a pastoral counselor. While I used to have some imposter syndrome around this, I can’t deny that friends have occasionally come to me for religious or spiritual advice, throughout my adult life. I am […]

Regarding a certain Facebook controversy

Regarding a certain Facebook controversy

Now that it’s two and a half years later, I need to set the record straight about certain things. A friend recently wrote a blog post discussing an attempt to smear his reputation, and I realized it’s time I addressed a similar situation. Certain people in the East Coast larp community have tried to paint […]

A Preliminary Toolkit, from Living Games 2018

For anyone who missed my workshop on Alchemical Gaming at Living Games Conference 2018 and wanted to be there, here are the worksheet and handouts that we used. I revised them a bit in response to feedback from the participants. This is by far the most concisely and clearly I’ve ever been able to present this material, […]

The Alchemical Gaming Manifesto

Originally published on Chance’s personal blog, Boundary Crosser. It’s mind-boggling to me that I’ve been playing role-playing games for 20 years now – about two thirds of my life – but when I stop to think about it, it’s really not that surprising. I was the kind of kid who had a very active fantasy […]